Monday, April 13, 2015


We just came back from a leisurely lunch - a very fine meal at Salvatore's. Our "Mike Mcglynn Retires" scoop was the talk of the place. The conversations varied from "He's leaving? What will become of us now?" to "Mike is certainly made of sterner stuff to last all these years and leave on his OWN terms - totally undefeated at the polls" One thing EVERYONE agreed on... Mayor McGlynn was a godsend to Medford; always fair, always right and ALWAYS good to the people of Medford. His retirement is well-earned. The man worked hard, and will most certainly do so right up until his last day in office at the end of December.

Another thing everyone agreed on... Mr Viglione and his MedfordInformationCentral blog is a paper tiger.

Where is this man with the "hard-hitting", "read-it-here-first" scoop on the mayor's announcement. Where is he with ANY news reports on this very important story? Why hasn't Joe reported it yet? Did all his "news sources" dry up on him? Will Joe learn of this story from US first? Or will he have to get his story THIRD-HAND from one of the other news sources who pick up the story from OUR blog?
it's time for YOU to retire, Joe... you just don't have it any more. you dropped the ball BIG-TIME in missing breaking THIS story, Joe. Too bad, so sad. File it under "also-ran"

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