Monday, April 13, 2015

Four hours and forty-nine minutes later we FINALLY hear from JV's Blog!

SHEESH!!! Joe Viglione's Medfordinformationcentral blog at last comes out with the "better never than late" information that Mayor McGlynn will be retiring this year and will NOT be seeking re-election.

We came back from a nice dinner out and find that the news finally reached your ears, ran down through your typing fingers onto the keyboard, and posted the "news" (a little late to be calling your announcement "news" isn't it?) on your blog.

Gee, Joe... your ersatz "news blog" was the LAST source in Medford for this information, not the first; Central or otherwise. Better turn in your pencil and notepad Joe; you're all washed up as a "get-out-the-word-first" reporter. Turn in your press ID. Oh wait... you don't HAVE one - not even the "PRESS" knob from the Men's washroom like the Three Stooges used when THEY faked being reporters to sneak into the ballgame free. Guess you can't worm your way into press conferences anymore, pretending that your hate blog is actually news! No CREDIBLE news source would be almost FIVE HOURS LATE with a hot, important news story like this one. C'mon... FIVE HOURS? That's a full night's sleep for some people, Joe.
I guess now you'll have to re-christen your blog "Medford Information Central - Asleep on the Job"

There you have it, readers... OUR Medford-Information-Central outs another phony!
Who will we out next? Keep reading to find out!

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