Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Good Morning, Joseph. Nice to see you join the living today with your "late-as-usual" blog entries. But it appears you got up out of the wrong side of the bed this morning, judging by your foul mood. What's the matter? Did yesterday's news give you nightmares? They must have - why else would you threaten Mr McGlynn with assault & battery and murder?

What's that you say... you don't remember doing that? Really - you don't? Then allow me to refresh your memory. Just look at this link to the blog entry you posted...

Medford Police Freed from Wicked Witch McGlynn Do you see those last two paragraphs? Let me reprint them here (and people... I am NOT making this threat, just reporting the threat has been made by another)

beginning of quote - "All hail to Dorothy, the Wicked Witch is getting a swift kick to the behind and falling off of the Cradock Bridge...

goodbye Mikey...do let the door hit you on the way out..." - end of quote

Okay Joe, how do you explain yourself? As I interpret this writing of yours, you are going to kick the Mayor (assault & battery, isn't it?) and your reference to "all hail Dorothy" is from the Wizard of Oz. This is said by the Wicked Witch's former slaves; said to Dorothy after she freed them from the Witch's control by melting the witch. That's murder, isn't it? Or at least it's manslaughter (witchslaughter?) for Dorothy's act directly resulted in the Witch's death. So when you make the inference that you are going to kick the mayor off the bridge, which would result in him either falling onto the land at the edge of the river (that's solid rock at that point, isn't it?) or falling into the river itself, the waters of it - and then saying "Goodbye Mikey" while just above that having referred to "All hail Dorothy" aren't you implying that you do not expect the mayor to survive the fall off the Cradock bridge?

Really Joe, that's not a very nice thing to say. The implications aren't nice either. In fact they're downright nasty. They are threatening remarks. Are they meant to be taken that way? How is anyone to know if you are serious or not? Given your very often professed extreme dislike of the mayor (aome may call it "downright hatred") a reasonable person just may be inclined to believe that you ARE in fact making a credible threat against Mr McGlynn; especially when taken in the context of the rest of your post in which you state that you do not want him to finsh out the rest of his term.

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