Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Joe Fiblione reports on his blog tonight that

City Council Votes SEVEN to ZERO to MOVE THE TIME of the Acertainment hearing

All seven city councilors vote to change the time on April 29 from 2 PM to 6:30 PM at City Hall Comcast Ascertainment hearing.

Of course, the City Council has absolutely NO jurisdiction over this Comcast hearing, so their vote will do nothing and the time of the meeting will not be changed. It was another example of Bob Penta completely wasting the taxpayers' time & money with frivolous (because they can't do anything about it) motions.
Bob (Mr Time-Wasting) Penta further wasted the City Council's time in once more talking on, discussing with others and voting on a resolution to cancel the Republic Parking contract. Too bad the Council didn't make that contract - then their vote would have teeth and cause the contract to be voided. As it is, it means NOTHING. It has the same effect as you or I phoning the Mayor to complain. Let me correct that; it has one difference from our phone calls, it wastes the City's time and money to have the Counci Chambers open and lit to be an arena to these foolish antics.

So pretty much HALF of tonight's City Council meeting was a total waste of time perpetrated by a bunch (5 of the 7) of grandstanding glory hogs trying to show you & I reasons for keeeping them on the job and re-electing them for another two year term this November. Only Adam Knight and Fred Dello Russo refrained from the egotistical posturing and kept their comments down to a bare minimum necessary to move the evening along.

The other five showed us reasons why we should not vote them back into office for another term.

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