Monday, April 13, 2015



Well we sat on this story for a week... until we received our phone call early this morning giving us permission to release the story.
The Honorable Michael J McGlynn will NOT seek re-election this year; choosing to retire instead. But he will not be retiring without leaving his work unfinished. Now you know why he finally put in place the solution to Medford's on-street parking problems at the end of last year. The "Mighty Mike" still has a few more loose ends to tie up, but promises to have it all accomplished by the end of his term on Dec 31, 2015.
We here at Medford-Information-Central are mighty proud to be the FIRST to break this very important news story... so much for that OTHER Medford Information Central and all their non-scoop scoops. No doubt they will be in the emergency room tomorrow with a sprained arm from patting themselves on the back, falsely claiming they had something to do with the Mayor's decision (as if he's important or powerful enough to be of any kind of threat to Mike). HAH! What he should REALLY be doing is wondering if he is perhaps one of the "loose ends" that the Mayor wants to "tie up" before year's end. And what about the perpetually-innefectual Bob Penta? The only way he can ever get re-elected to the City Council is to "create" a non-existent enemy to fight to show the good people of Medford he's actually working in THEIR best interests rather than his own selfish concerns. With no Mayor Mike to fight and no Medford Community Cablevision to fight, how on Earth can Mr Penta possibly keep his job?

Well Bob, it's time to put up or shut up. Are you FINALLY going to take a stab at it and run for Mayor? Or are you going to remain a coward and run for your City Council seat again? Of course there's NO WAY you'll be re-elected if you rerun; you'll be outing yourself as the great big liar that many of us already know you actually are!

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