Friday, April 3, 2015

Return on Investment: Is the City Council worth it?

Return on Investment: Is the City Council worth it?

How does one grade elected officials being paid so much money?

Council candidate (and State Senate candidate) Rob Cappucci reminded voters on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 that the Medford City Council is one of the highest paid in the Commonwealth.

It is.

So how does one go about grading councilors on their work ethic?

The Council Agenda is a very good place to start, published here as a courtesy. For those paying attention, there are the established councilors putting forth motions that matter to their constituents; many of which they have no power to change; no authority to wield on these subjects: Cradock Bridge (being handled by the State/MBTA - why are they talking about it?), TV3 (they have no authority over it - again... WHY are they talking about it?), street lighting, empty storefronts (these are owned by PRIVATE individuals - some of which do NOT live in Medford - why is the council spending time trying to help THESE individuals to make even more money by filling these storefronts when they SHOULD be talking about ways to make life EASIER for Medford residants - that's YOU and me), potholes, the hospital, city services (hey! this one is actually relevent.

Then there are the the "shuckers and jivers" - those on the council who try to ride on the coat-tails of those councilors who actually DO try to help the residents. Just look at the following resolutions for Tuesday. Pay particular attention to the order in which they appear and the resolution number assigned to them. The lower numbers were received FIRST by the City Clerk; Ed Finn.

One example is found with two motions in succession this week:
15-333-Offered by Councillor Camuso Be It Resolved that the DPW install additional crosswalk signs in West Medford Square in the interests of public safety.
15-334- Offered by Councillor Penta Be It Resolved that the Mayor's continual failure as requested by this council on many occasions to provide adequate lighting correction to the downtown Medford Square area and the Route 16 parking lot next to the Condon shell parking needs further discussion in the interest of Medford's public safety.

One can quickly see that, as usual, Mr. Camuso's input is concise and to the point while the senior member of the council, Mr. Penta submitted his resolution only AFTER Mr Camuso's - in copy-cat fashion. Penta, attempts to make with words what he lacks in forsight and intelligence. He puts on airs; writes a Manifesto, writes the text of what he's going to say instead of just listing his topic as Mr Camuso did.
Bob... save the long-winded nonsense for your "Showtime in the Rotunda" and stop trying to bash the Mayor with every stroke of your pen. Don't you realize that you are VIOLATING campaign law by trying to change the outcome of the elections against a candidate? You yourself explained that such language is forbidden in City Hall by anyone speaking it, and ESPECIALLY someone who is running for office; even if it be an office other than the one in which you are trying to change the outcome! Council President Dello Russo please take note and sanction him when he does so! Bob will discuss the issues that are out of his depth in a fashion that the taxpayers cannot possibly understand or comprehend the needs, attempting to sound intelligent; when he is just showing himself out to be the clueless buffoon that more and more voters are seeing he really is!

___________________________________________ Freddy Dello Russo, Jr. What the hell is Penta doing at the city council year after year after year? Thank you so much for your reining in Mr P's foolishness when he goes COMPLETELY off-topic. We do so appreciate your restoring the meetings to at lest a modicum of decorum - Kudos to you.


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