Wednesday, August 12, 2015


It's True!

Poor, confused, bemused and befuddled Joe Viglione is STILL routinely denying he is a public figure. Why look at what he wrote today on his blog...

"Having a blog and speaking at the city council does not give one the power or access to the media that elected officials have, and that members of the press have, especially within a community."

Now let's ignore for a moment here that Joe just said he doesn't have access to the media that 'members of the press' have even though he REPEATEDLY CLAIMS to be a member of the very same press he speaks about (aside: See? Joe really IS an idiot, isn't he?); I think this reprinting (with permission, natch) of the following post from the Medford Patch back when it was actually good.


Hi all,
Here's something that brought such an immediate smile to my face and laugh to my belly that I thought you'd all appreciate it as a good way to put a lilt to your step and keep your weekend a happy one.

Elsewhere on the Patch today I found this statement:

"In Medford I am a citizen, not a public figure. Just because a new book on the Rolling Stones has a glowing paragraph on me (just released) doesn't make me a public figure in Medford, as part of the definition of public figure or limited public figure means how much access to the press a person has."

Well Mr/Ms (I'm not telling who wrote it), while your name merely being mentioned in a book doesn't make you a public figure (else everyone in the telephone directory would be one),

1) your being a television producer,
2) being an actor (whether union or non-union) starring in over 800 of your own shows which play (by your own reckoning) in hundreds of thousands of homes (and continuously producing and presenting these show for more than thirty years)
3) being a journalist in the Patch, on blogs, on other news internet sights,
4) having your own news blog stating "Your First Source For Medford Massachusetts News"
5) announcing to one & all that your are a legitimate journalist, a legitimate news source, entitled to all the perks and responsibilities thereof
6) having interviewed (and still doing so on an on-going basis) hundreds of celebrities, many of them major ones,
7) putting these interviews on Tv,
8) transferring these interviews into print and publishing them on the internet and elsewhere,
9) working at various public access stations (as you have publicly stated you do),
10) speaking before the City Council (a PUBLIC forum) week after week after week (and not just commenting on what the council speaks on, but actually bringing forth dozens of your own "petitions to speak"),
11) putting together your own public access station (as you keep reminding people you are doing)
12) listing your many positions as a public figure as part of your many credentials you present to the City Council when you get up to speak
13) filing all those public records requests and then reporting the results to the public
14) being a rock star having your own band
15) holding the copyrights to 100 or so songs and collecting royalties for them
16) being the owner/operator of your own record label
17) being a booking agent for up-and-coming rock bands
18) being part organizer of a twice yearly (quarterly?) music/records expo/convention at an area hotel
19) having your own Ebay store (you do still have it, don't you?)
20) being an adviser to elected officials, often supplying them with the information they use to bring forth and vote on City Council agenda items (these documents you give them become public records)
21) helping to find homes in the public for stray cays, dogs and other animals
22) organizing people for public protests
23) having a DVD video you produced, directed and edited (and mention at City Council meetings) for sale on

IMHO does make you a public figure.

And this is just what I remember hearing & seeing about you off the top of my head. I'm sure you have many, many more accomplishments I've overlooked (please forgive me, I'm not trying to slight you or any of these accomplishments - I don't know if being a pro se "attorney" fits the requirement for a public figure). You mention that "part of the definition of public figure or limited public figure means how much access to the press a person has" How much access you have to the press? You are the press... many, many times over. Why you've done so very much more than Rush Limbaugh and he's a public figure! Don't be so modest, don't be so insecure, so shy. Don't sell yourself short, if anyone in Medford is a Public Figure (and we know many do reside here), it's you! You are most obviously the BIGGEST MOST FAMOUS PUBLIC FIGURE in all of Medford!


To the above well stated treatice, our humble blog can only add...

Like Bozo The Clown says:
"Always leave 'em laughing!"

LEGOGATE - PART 1: Vignette FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

The below information explaining the first component of what has now become known as LEGOGATE is from the following website:

Vignette FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Updated: 2006-06-22

Welcome to the .vignette FAQ. Here you will find some general information and guidelines on vignettes and vignette building.

Suggestions for this FAQ can be made to the curators

Q: What is a Vignette?

A: The word ‘vignette’ comes from the old French word ‘vigne’, which means vine. A vignette is the fancy, decorative design often found at the beginnings or ends of old books/manuscripts, describing the vine-like tendrils of the artwork or lettering used in decorative borders.

Over time, the word vignette also came to mean ‘an unbordered picture’, then as ‘a short, literary sketch, or a short scene, as from a movie’.

In terms of LEGO, a vignette is basically a MOC built on a small base. How small? Well, see below.

To paraphrase Bruce Hietbrink in the first post to this newsgroup: “Small scenes built on small bases. They capture a slice of life, tell a small story in a scene, or provide a bit of humor. The small size encourages creativity, and allows fans with small collections to contribute. Quick to build, but long on thought, the emphasis with these models is FUN.

Another way of describing a vignette is that it is a MOC you would place on your desk or shelf for viewing. It is not really designed for play, nor the movement of the pieces/minifigs, as most other MOCs are.

Q: What is a Vig?

A: Vig is simply an abbreviation for Vignette.

Q: Is there a set scale for building Vignettes?

A: No.

Many LEGO fans have come to identify a vignette as being a MOC with a 6x6 or 8x8 stud base. Moreover, the 8x8 has become the accepted ‘standard’ in vignette building.

However, to inspire more creativity (and hopefully more vignette MOCs from YOU who are reading this), we have set up a few guidelines/descriptions of what could also be categorized as vignettes. The intent is not to set any rules or limitations, but rather to help everyone understand that vignette building can be fun and innovative, and is limited only by your imagination and creativity.

Size Chart for Vignettes:

    (# studs)
    super micro
    small standard
    small variant
   long variant
   large variant
   double vig
   large variant
   super vig
   “Bignette” (Note: This term was apparently coined by Brickshelf user “k-hatch”.)

[Note: These examples are based on bases with EVEN-numbered studs. You can have an ODD-numbered stud base on your vignette as well.]

So how big is TOO big? Well, most people would generally agree that a 32x32 stud MOC would not be considered a vignette. So, as a guideline, a vignette should generally be on a base of no more than 256 studs (16x16).Again, this is only a guideline.

Q: What about the height of a vignette?

A: There are no limitations on height, as long as it is essential to the essence of the vignette. Ley Ward demonstrated extreme height in his vignette “Jumper”:

Q: What makes for a good vignette:

A: A good vignette should...
  1. Visually exemplify an action, idea, or thought; or lend itself to a descriptive title of the MOC.
  2. Look like a “snapshot in time” (as if a photo was taken at a precise moment)
  3. Be photographed well (hint: use the macro feature on your camera!)
  4. Be creative and FUN!

Q: Can a piece extend out beyond the base?

A: Yes. As a guideline, objects should extend out from the base no more than 4 studs. However, some MOCs may require parts that extend father from the base than 4 studs, due to the inherent length of the part, and/or its requirement as an essential part of the vignette. As long as it contributes to what the vignette represents, it is acceptable. (Note: A tree built on a 6x6 base, with branches extending out to form a 32x32 stud canopy would not be considered a vignette... and can easily topple over as well.)

Q: What is a Modular Vignette (Vignette Model):

A: A Modular Vignette (or Vignette Model) is a group of 2 or more individual vignettes that come together to form a model, such as a building, or a larger scene such as a sidewalk or road. The very first can be credited to Sugesaya, who linked 2 of his 6x6 vignettes (Busstop and Solitary Journey) : in this image

Q: Who created the first LEGO vignette?

A: Unknown. It seems that the vignette trend started in Japan, and not necessarily in the LEGO community. Bruce Hietbrink first brought LEGO vignettes to the attention of the LUGNET community in this post in September, 2004.

Q: Are there any official LEGO vignette sets that I can purchase?

A: At this time, there are no official LEGO vignette sets, per se. However, there are quite a number of sets that appear to have vignette-like qualities, such as these

Star Wars sets

Q: Can anyone build a vignette?

A: Yes. Now go build one!
All text, images, or trademarks in this document are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

yes; we know the above is a LOT of information to digest at one time, so we will refrain from posting part 2 of this gripping dissertation (entitled: LEGOGATE PART 2 - JoeVig) until tomorrow. Until then:

Like Bozo The Clown says:
"Always leave 'em laughing!"



Yes, folks... on the heels of all the "exciting and new" (que up "The Love Boat" theme) choices we have in our candidates for Public Office in Medford Massachusetts, there is only ONE story that could even possibly hope to eclipse these current events! That story is of a NEW BLOGGER joining the community! We proudly present to you the Neophyte Newbie blogger JoeVigIsAnIdiot (URL is and their Brand Spanking New BLOG named

Joe Vig Is An Idiot

to be found at


What is even more exciting is that we have obtained permission to mirror that blog's noble eforts right here on the pages of our own so very humble blog (dramatic pause)....

We humbly and meekly (but ernestly) that that blog's owner so allowing this!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Mr Viglione has publicly announced in the People's Forum of Medford City Council chambers that his was the only RFP received for running Medford's Public Access station. He has publicly stated that he has many qualifications. This publication will be examining his claims under the microscope of Public Inspection on his bid to operate a PUBLIC Access station.
With merely an initial Google search, we here at Medford Information Central have found the following Rip-Off Report entry filed against Mr. Viglione for not living up to his business promises. Here is the link to this report:

Report: #653390

Although we see later posts and rebuttals between Mr Viglione and apparent TV3 Medford participants, we ALSO SEE that the initial complaint was not leveled by any individual at TV3. This complaint states:

For over 30 years this "music producer", promoter, publicist, promises the moon but only takes your cash. When you realized that he is not going to what he says he can do and back out of working with him, you are $$$ in the hole with nothing to show for it. Then he threatens to sue you. There are a trail of bodies under his wheels in the Boston, MA, area. Beware. (end of filed report)

How & why someone (someones?) at TV3 added to this report is a mystery whose answer is not evident from reading the lengthy, boring and repetitive back-and-forth crossposts between the individual & Mr Viglione. The individual appears to be posting the text of actual court documents; giving the docket numbers + such to allow for verification if the reader so desires (this reader did not desire to do so). Mr Viglione's responses seem to be merely statements (repeated in post after post) alleging to be from different court documents but without stating docket numbers or any other references to allow for an interested reader (do any actually exist?) to verify or refute their accuracy.

Buf if one is to just stick to the original complaint, I am confident you will see evidence of the kind of stated behavior the report alleges to be in evidence from Mr Viglione's repeated City Council Meeting orations. Is this the type of Business Medford wants to run their Public Access Station. I think not.

But what do YOU think?

Inquiring minds want to know. Please post your thoughts in our "comments" section below.
Next up: We will be looking at the requirements for submitting the RFP and on how well Mr Viglione complied with these requirements.
Do stay tuned.


On his blog Tuesday night. Mr Fiblione makes requests (actually they are demands) of newly announced Mayoral candidate Stephanie Burke. We find particularly disturbing this following numbered demand of Joe's; as reprinted below:

10)Will you pledge to NOT be the Chair of the Medford School Committee and not take the additional monies?

Hey Joe... we hate to break this news to you but the City Charter actually requires the Mayor to chair the School Committee meetings in the City Charter passed by a majority vote of the residents of Medford. this is the will of the people. It overrides the "won't" Of Joe Fiblione. You demonstrate a shocking lack of knowledge of how the City works. You appear to be totally stumped when it comes to these legal matters.

Perhaps you should consult with an attorney to have it explained to you? We'd suggest you talk to City Councillor Bob Penta; but we understand that he is NOT AN ATTORNEY. maybe that's why he continuously makes the mistake of bringing forth to the Council Agenda resolutions to vote on matters the Council has no jurisdiction over.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Joe Fiblione reports on his blog tonight that

City Council Votes SEVEN to ZERO to MOVE THE TIME of the Acertainment hearing

All seven city councilors vote to change the time on April 29 from 2 PM to 6:30 PM at City Hall Comcast Ascertainment hearing.

Of course, the City Council has absolutely NO jurisdiction over this Comcast hearing, so their vote will do nothing and the time of the meeting will not be changed. It was another example of Bob Penta completely wasting the taxpayers' time & money with frivolous (because they can't do anything about it) motions.
Bob (Mr Time-Wasting) Penta further wasted the City Council's time in once more talking on, discussing with others and voting on a resolution to cancel the Republic Parking contract. Too bad the Council didn't make that contract - then their vote would have teeth and cause the contract to be voided. As it is, it means NOTHING. It has the same effect as you or I phoning the Mayor to complain. Let me correct that; it has one difference from our phone calls, it wastes the City's time and money to have the Counci Chambers open and lit to be an arena to these foolish antics.

So pretty much HALF of tonight's City Council meeting was a total waste of time perpetrated by a bunch (5 of the 7) of grandstanding glory hogs trying to show you & I reasons for keeeping them on the job and re-electing them for another two year term this November. Only Adam Knight and Fred Dello Russo refrained from the egotistical posturing and kept their comments down to a bare minimum necessary to move the evening along.

The other five showed us reasons why we should not vote them back into office for another term.


Hey - did you see the latest "SCANDAL" Mr Viglione posted to that "other" Medford blog? Well of course in reality it is NO SCANDAL AT ALL, but take a moment to read it... Here's the link to it (we never mind giving his blog the extra hits - that's all Mr V lives for)


What is particularly amusing is that while Mr Viglione continually bashes Medford and it's Mayor, he praises Malden and it's mayor, even though the Mayor of Malden made and signed the very same endorsement. Joe even provides the link to a page revealing this fact in another of his blog posts. Here is that link;


And here is the list of the Massachusetts mayors who signed.

Kevin Dumas Attleboro Massachusetts (508) 223-2222
Gary Christenson Malden Massachusetts (781) 397-7000
Michael McGlynn Medford Massachusetts (781) 393-2409
Daniel Rizzo Revere Massachusetts (781) 286-8111

See what I mean? Looks like you've been caught with your pants down Joe.

Your lies have been outed again, Joe
NO WONDER people call Joe "Mr FIBlione"!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Poor Joe; you are rapidly losing people to fight with. You are rapidly losing "causes" to fight for. But don't feel sorry for him, anyone... for Mr Fiblione has taken to verbally attacking anyone and everyone he has ever known, it seems.

Today his blog has been filled with attacks and tirades against every person and on every subject he can think of. Where will it all end? We here at Medford-Information-Central predict it will be with a complete mental breakdown on his part.

We sincerely hope we are wrong, but we fear we are not.
And all this when there are actual news stories he could be reporting on.

Stick a fork in the old medfordinformationcentral; it's overdone!


Good Morning, Joseph. Nice to see you join the living today with your "late-as-usual" blog entries. But it appears you got up out of the wrong side of the bed this morning, judging by your foul mood. What's the matter? Did yesterday's news give you nightmares? They must have - why else would you threaten Mr McGlynn with assault & battery and murder?

What's that you say... you don't remember doing that? Really - you don't? Then allow me to refresh your memory. Just look at this link to the blog entry you posted...

Medford Police Freed from Wicked Witch McGlynn Do you see those last two paragraphs? Let me reprint them here (and people... I am NOT making this threat, just reporting the threat has been made by another)

beginning of quote - "All hail to Dorothy, the Wicked Witch is getting a swift kick to the behind and falling off of the Cradock Bridge...

goodbye let the door hit you on the way out..." - end of quote

Okay Joe, how do you explain yourself? As I interpret this writing of yours, you are going to kick the Mayor (assault & battery, isn't it?) and your reference to "all hail Dorothy" is from the Wizard of Oz. This is said by the Wicked Witch's former slaves; said to Dorothy after she freed them from the Witch's control by melting the witch. That's murder, isn't it? Or at least it's manslaughter (witchslaughter?) for Dorothy's act directly resulted in the Witch's death. So when you make the inference that you are going to kick the mayor off the bridge, which would result in him either falling onto the land at the edge of the river (that's solid rock at that point, isn't it?) or falling into the river itself, the waters of it - and then saying "Goodbye Mikey" while just above that having referred to "All hail Dorothy" aren't you implying that you do not expect the mayor to survive the fall off the Cradock bridge?

Really Joe, that's not a very nice thing to say. The implications aren't nice either. In fact they're downright nasty. They are threatening remarks. Are they meant to be taken that way? How is anyone to know if you are serious or not? Given your very often professed extreme dislike of the mayor (aome may call it "downright hatred") a reasonable person just may be inclined to believe that you ARE in fact making a credible threat against Mr McGlynn; especially when taken in the context of the rest of your post in which you state that you do not want him to finsh out the rest of his term.


Take a look one-and-all at what Mr "Fib"lione has been reporting all night long on his blog


go ahead, we'll wait and we don't mind giving his tired old blog the hits.

Are you back now? You are? Then we shall continue... Did you see how Joe is feebly attempting to take credit for the Mighty Mike's decision to retire? We told you so yesterday afternoon, didn't we? Before Joe even heard the information about the Mayor we reported that he'd be taking credit for it. But look at how ridiculous he is about it. You had just decided you were going to pull papers yourself, Joe; really? You actually expect anyone to believe that you'd forego making and having your Visual Radio cablecast? Really? Joe, you yourself have said MANY times that it is wrong for a candidate for office to have ANY show on public Access TV during the campaign season. In fact, several Cities (such as Everett -) prohibit the cablecasting of even previously existing public access shows made by candidates for office from running during the 90 days or so of campaign season. So what were you going to do, Joe... give up your show for the season? Or do you believe you are EXEMPT from those rules by virtue of your great swell-headed ego? Fess up, Joe... which one was it? Or is it REALLY that you are LYING once more in saying you had planned to pull papers for Mayor of Medford?

When you wake up for the day and start posting, Joe... please answer this very valid and relevent question for your readers. That is, if you have the BALLZ to do so. We think you don't!

One last bit of advice Joe - you should get up earlier in the day if you want to ever be a REAL JOURNALIST.

If you snooze, you lose... and you, Mr. "Fib"lione are losing a lot today - mostly your rapidly fading credibility! We wonder what "news" stories you'll make up today - we can't WAIT to read them!
Stick a fork in the OLD Medford Information Central (that's your blog, Joe) It's over-done!


Let the speculation end! You heard it here first, good people of Medford. Paul Camuso did indeed know of Mayor Mcglynn's upcoming retirement when he publicy announced he would not be seeking re-election to the City Council. Paul at that time planned to run for Mayor of Medford himself this go-around. The reason he made the "will-not-run-again" announcement so soon was to give any prospective new-comers to a City Council seat ample time to plan their campaign strategy. Mr. Camuso is a seasoned politician who knows full well that when a Council seat is vacant (thus guaranteeing a new face behind the rail), credible candidates for office will come out of the woodwork.

So many will in fact run, that far more often than not, they will knock out at least one more seated candidate for re-election (as happened the first year Mr Camuso ran). Thus, by making his announcement so early in the year; Paul Camuso laid the groundwork for what will undoubtedly lead to the long overdue unseating of stale, worn-out, ineffectual old time City Councillor Bob Penta. Thank you, Mr Camuso, you have this blog's vote for Mayor!

And as for the reporter/owner of that OTHER Medford Information Central... Joe, you can easily see why everyone now knows you had absolutely NOTHING to do with Mr C's "resignation" from the City Council. Once again you have been outed by this LEGITIMATE news source as the illegitimate fraud that you are! Let me repeat this loud and clear:
You have been "outed' once again.

Stick a fork in the OLD Medfordinformationcentral - it's overdone!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Four hours and forty-nine minutes later we FINALLY hear from JV's Blog!

SHEESH!!! Joe Viglione's Medfordinformationcentral blog at last comes out with the "better never than late" information that Mayor McGlynn will be retiring this year and will NOT be seeking re-election.

We came back from a nice dinner out and find that the news finally reached your ears, ran down through your typing fingers onto the keyboard, and posted the "news" (a little late to be calling your announcement "news" isn't it?) on your blog.

Gee, Joe... your ersatz "news blog" was the LAST source in Medford for this information, not the first; Central or otherwise. Better turn in your pencil and notepad Joe; you're all washed up as a "get-out-the-word-first" reporter. Turn in your press ID. Oh wait... you don't HAVE one - not even the "PRESS" knob from the Men's washroom like the Three Stooges used when THEY faked being reporters to sneak into the ballgame free. Guess you can't worm your way into press conferences anymore, pretending that your hate blog is actually news! No CREDIBLE news source would be almost FIVE HOURS LATE with a hot, important news story like this one. C'mon... FIVE HOURS? That's a full night's sleep for some people, Joe.
I guess now you'll have to re-christen your blog "Medford Information Central - Asleep on the Job"

There you have it, readers... OUR Medford-Information-Central outs another phony!
Who will we out next? Keep reading to find out!


Still no word from Joe's blog about McGlynn's announcement. I guess he'll have to preface his eventual posting with either
"NOT For Immediate release"


"For Tardy Release"

better stick a fork in your "yesterday's news" blog Joe, it's all done.

R.I.P. -
Long live - Medford's NEW Home for Your Medford News


We just came back from a leisurely lunch - a very fine meal at Salvatore's. Our "Mike Mcglynn Retires" scoop was the talk of the place. The conversations varied from "He's leaving? What will become of us now?" to "Mike is certainly made of sterner stuff to last all these years and leave on his OWN terms - totally undefeated at the polls" One thing EVERYONE agreed on... Mayor McGlynn was a godsend to Medford; always fair, always right and ALWAYS good to the people of Medford. His retirement is well-earned. The man worked hard, and will most certainly do so right up until his last day in office at the end of December.

Another thing everyone agreed on... Mr Viglione and his MedfordInformationCentral blog is a paper tiger.

Where is this man with the "hard-hitting", "read-it-here-first" scoop on the mayor's announcement. Where is he with ANY news reports on this very important story? Why hasn't Joe reported it yet? Did all his "news sources" dry up on him? Will Joe learn of this story from US first? Or will he have to get his story THIRD-HAND from one of the other news sources who pick up the story from OUR blog?
it's time for YOU to retire, Joe... you just don't have it any more. you dropped the ball BIG-TIME in missing breaking THIS story, Joe. Too bad, so sad. File it under "also-ran"



Well we sat on this story for a week... until we received our phone call early this morning giving us permission to release the story.
The Honorable Michael J McGlynn will NOT seek re-election this year; choosing to retire instead. But he will not be retiring without leaving his work unfinished. Now you know why he finally put in place the solution to Medford's on-street parking problems at the end of last year. The "Mighty Mike" still has a few more loose ends to tie up, but promises to have it all accomplished by the end of his term on Dec 31, 2015.
We here at Medford-Information-Central are mighty proud to be the FIRST to break this very important news story... so much for that OTHER Medford Information Central and all their non-scoop scoops. No doubt they will be in the emergency room tomorrow with a sprained arm from patting themselves on the back, falsely claiming they had something to do with the Mayor's decision (as if he's important or powerful enough to be of any kind of threat to Mike). HAH! What he should REALLY be doing is wondering if he is perhaps one of the "loose ends" that the Mayor wants to "tie up" before year's end. And what about the perpetually-innefectual Bob Penta? The only way he can ever get re-elected to the City Council is to "create" a non-existent enemy to fight to show the good people of Medford he's actually working in THEIR best interests rather than his own selfish concerns. With no Mayor Mike to fight and no Medford Community Cablevision to fight, how on Earth can Mr Penta possibly keep his job?

Well Bob, it's time to put up or shut up. Are you FINALLY going to take a stab at it and run for Mayor? Or are you going to remain a coward and run for your City Council seat again? Of course there's NO WAY you'll be re-elected if you rerun; you'll be outing yourself as the great big liar that many of us already know you actually are!

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Wow! It's HUGE.... you won't believe how unbelievably believable this story is. It's WAAAAAY bigger than a fat man's ass... and ONLY we could have broken the story and possibly future-reported it here. Gadzooks! We really mean it - we're going to do it; we really are...

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Only one man in Medford is the right man for the job.

Only one man in Medford is the right man for the job.

Vote Mike McGlynn in 2015!!!!!



15-309- Petition by Wendy’s Restaurant, 330 Middlesex Ave to amend Outdoor Dining License 15-309


15-333-Offered by Councillor Camuso
Be It Resolved that the DPW install additional crosswalk signs
in West Medford Square in the interests of public safety.

Tuesday April 7, 2015 Medford City Hall



Yes fans... IT IS TRUE..... Doctor Rabies' Mad Movies Experimentorium can once more be seen on Medford, Massachusetts TV sets. At least those Medford residents with Verizon cable services can see him. Just tune in to the Malden Ma public access channel on Monday nights during prime time and you will see the dearly beloved Doctor Rabies back on your TV sets. He sometimes may also appear on Friday nights as well, during part of a rotating line-up, but Monday is his designated spot.
Remember, this is ONLY for those Medford households with VERIZON cable services.

Is there any better reason to drop Comcast and switch to Verizon?
I think not...


McGlynn. Can. Be. Trusted!!!

If mcglyyyyynnnn don't give us access

If Mayor McGlynn doesn't give us Public Access Television.....

it's beacuse we have shown him that we are too lazy and selfish to bother to put any type of active participation into it (that means we just want to WATCH it and bitch about it; we are not willing to get up off our asses and MAKE it for free... like the MEMBERS OF ALL OTHER ACCESS STATIONS do.



Francis R. Pilleri, Jr.

Harvey Alberg

Ronald DeLucia

Cornelius Murphy

Arthur Alan Deluca

and possibly other board members, staffers and an independent contractor.



What does this mean?

more to follow...

Friday, April 3, 2015

Return on Investment: Is the City Council worth it?

Return on Investment: Is the City Council worth it?

How does one grade elected officials being paid so much money?

Council candidate (and State Senate candidate) Rob Cappucci reminded voters on Tuesday, March 31, 2015 that the Medford City Council is one of the highest paid in the Commonwealth.

It is.

So how does one go about grading councilors on their work ethic?

The Council Agenda is a very good place to start, published here as a courtesy. For those paying attention, there are the established councilors putting forth motions that matter to their constituents; many of which they have no power to change; no authority to wield on these subjects: Cradock Bridge (being handled by the State/MBTA - why are they talking about it?), TV3 (they have no authority over it - again... WHY are they talking about it?), street lighting, empty storefronts (these are owned by PRIVATE individuals - some of which do NOT live in Medford - why is the council spending time trying to help THESE individuals to make even more money by filling these storefronts when they SHOULD be talking about ways to make life EASIER for Medford residants - that's YOU and me), potholes, the hospital, city services (hey! this one is actually relevent.

Then there are the the "shuckers and jivers" - those on the council who try to ride on the coat-tails of those councilors who actually DO try to help the residents. Just look at the following resolutions for Tuesday. Pay particular attention to the order in which they appear and the resolution number assigned to them. The lower numbers were received FIRST by the City Clerk; Ed Finn.

One example is found with two motions in succession this week:
15-333-Offered by Councillor Camuso Be It Resolved that the DPW install additional crosswalk signs in West Medford Square in the interests of public safety.
15-334- Offered by Councillor Penta Be It Resolved that the Mayor's continual failure as requested by this council on many occasions to provide adequate lighting correction to the downtown Medford Square area and the Route 16 parking lot next to the Condon shell parking needs further discussion in the interest of Medford's public safety.

One can quickly see that, as usual, Mr. Camuso's input is concise and to the point while the senior member of the council, Mr. Penta submitted his resolution only AFTER Mr Camuso's - in copy-cat fashion. Penta, attempts to make with words what he lacks in forsight and intelligence. He puts on airs; writes a Manifesto, writes the text of what he's going to say instead of just listing his topic as Mr Camuso did.
Bob... save the long-winded nonsense for your "Showtime in the Rotunda" and stop trying to bash the Mayor with every stroke of your pen. Don't you realize that you are VIOLATING campaign law by trying to change the outcome of the elections against a candidate? You yourself explained that such language is forbidden in City Hall by anyone speaking it, and ESPECIALLY someone who is running for office; even if it be an office other than the one in which you are trying to change the outcome! Council President Dello Russo please take note and sanction him when he does so! Bob will discuss the issues that are out of his depth in a fashion that the taxpayers cannot possibly understand or comprehend the needs, attempting to sound intelligent; when he is just showing himself out to be the clueless buffoon that more and more voters are seeing he really is!

___________________________________________ Freddy Dello Russo, Jr. What the hell is Penta doing at the city council year after year after year? Thank you so much for your reining in Mr P's foolishness when he goes COMPLETELY off-topic. We do so appreciate your restoring the meetings to at lest a modicum of decorum - Kudos to you.
